Titanic efforts for people who can not see!
Just before the new school year begins, human rights activists made an alarm for the absence of the texts in Braille writings. These texts books are the only way and the system that gives the opportunity to the children who are not able to see to use their right to education.
During a conversation with the director of the National Center of Rehabilitation for these people Mrs. Rovena Ismolli , we found out that besides the lack of job opportunities, the biggest problem that they are facing is education.
They have only a few small printers that can print these special texts, and they don’t have financial possibilities to purchase other printers. Some of the technical tools like the typing that is needed for the Braille system are made in parts from diamonds but they are easily worn out and need to be replaced. Logically this has a large cost that comes with it. On the other side, the paper material also comes with a high cost.