A simple question to some respected women
There is an increasing attempt from some NGOs in Albania to fight for the inclusion of females in politics. They base this lobbying on the principle of having at least 30 percent females in every decision making institution including the Albanian Parliament.
This might look fair, but according to my opinion it is insufficient at the best case and “brainwashing” at the worse one! But it might be worthy for NGOs to “empower” their bank accounts, as this issue seems to be encouraged a lot from the international donors.
The one-million question in Albanian reality might be: how is possible that all the attempts of the civil society during these 20 years (including the millions they have profited from international community) have failed to solve if not all, at least half of the still medieval problems that women of this country (more than 50 percent of the population according to the last CENSUS) are still facing in 2012?